
課程大綱(Course Outline)

智慧視覺深度學習專論 (Special Topics on Visual Intelligence with Deep Learning)


0.   Talk: AI-based Multimedia Detection, Extraction, and Transformation

1.視覺信號處理 (Fundamental of Visual Signal Processing)

2.線性代數和視覺特徵空間(Linear Algebra and Visual Feature Space)
3.視覺數據分析與回歸(Fundamental of Visual Data Analyses and Regression)
4.統計分析和推理(Statistical Analyses and Inference)
5.目標優化之自適應濾波(Adaptive Filtering for Target Optimization)
6.支持向量機器學習(Support Vector Machine Learning)
7.類神經網路之後向傳播學習(Back Propagation Learning for Neural Networks)
8.深度學習和轉移學習(Deep Learning and Transfer Learning)
9.深度積捲式神經網絡(Deep Convolutional Neural Networks)
10.深度神經網絡的應用(Application of Deep Neural Networks)
11.深度神經網絡之研究設計(Designs of Deep Neural Networks)

icon_0AI-VIDL 00 Fundamentals of VSP.pdf0AI-VIDL 00 Fundamentals of VSP.pdf