To fully understand electromagnetic waves and their applications in electrical engineering, by rigorous methods of mathematics. This includes transmission-line theory, Smith chart applications, reflection, transmission, and refraction of electromagnetic waves, metallic waveguides, resonant cavities, optical waveguides, antenna theory, and applications of electromagnetic waves in communications and radars. This class (1132_E231120_2) is designed only for those students who are willing to devote their time to studying Electromagnetic Waves. If this is not what you can do or are willing to do, please don't select this class. Thanks!
利用嚴謹的數學徹底了解電磁波,強調其代表的物理意義,並介紹與電機相關的一些應用。包含傳輸線理論、史密斯圖應用、電磁波的反射、穿透、與折射現象、金屬導波管與共振腔的原理、光纖波導分析、天線理論、以及電磁波在通訊與雷達方面的相關應用等。這堂課 (1132_E231120_2) 是為願意花時間學習電磁波的人設計的,如果你無法或是不願意這樣作,請不要選這堂課,謝謝您的配合。
- 教師(teacher): 蔡智明