
課程大綱(Course Outline)

This course is designed to introduce basic principles, applications, and concerns of the prosthetics and assistive devices when ambulating or during other activities. Current concept about assistive technology will also be delivered in this course. After this course, students should be able to clinically evaluate and manage the patients with the needs of prosthetics and assistive devices.



Functional anatomy, Kinesiology, and Gait analysis


Course structure/Evaluation:

-       Lecture notes/information are posted in Moodle system.

-       Attendance of lectures and laboratories are required (10%)

-       Mid-term report (45%): find a patient who is prescribed with a prosthetics or orthotics, and do the evaluation and rehabilitation program for this case. Please also comment on whether the current prosthesis is appropriate for him. Limited to 10 pages. Written in Chinese or English.

-       Final report (45%)

icon_Prosthetics and Assistive Technology 2022 tentative.pdfProsthetics and Assistive Technology 2022 tentative.pdf