Yong-Fan Chen
Office: 36653, Phone: 65221
e-mail: yfchen@mail.ncku.edu.tw
Office Hours: 11:00-12:30 M, W
[1]2~3 理學教學大樓 36204
[3]2 理學教學大樓 36204
Course Contents:
1. Wave Motion (Ch.2) – 2 weeks
2. Electromagnetic Theory, Photons, and Light (Ch.3) – 3 weeks
3. The Propagation of Light (Ch.4) – 4 weeks
4. Geometrical Optics (Ch.5) – 3 weeks
5. The Superposition of Waves (Ch.7) – 3 weeks
6. Polarization (Ch.8) – 3 weeks
Classical Electrodynamics & Physical Mathematics
Reference Books:
l Eugene Hecht, “Optics”, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley (2002)
l David J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Second Edition, Prentice Hall (1989)
l Erwin Kreyseig, “Advance Engineering Mathematics”, Seventh Edition, John Weiley & Sons, Inc. (1993)
Quiz 40%, Mid-term exam 30%, and Final exam 30%.
- 教師(teacher): 陳泳帆