課程大綱(Course Outline)
一、 資訊的社會意涵與傳播理論的進展; Pt. 1: The social context of information and communication (weeks 1~2); 二、 傳播科技與工具對於資訊性質的改變; Pt. 2: Communication technologies and algorithmic ordering of information (weeks 3~5); 第一、二部份的討論與檢討 (學生個人口頭小報告); In-class individual student oral report (week 6). 三、各種數位資訊的應用對於社會各分面的影響(個人心理、社會心理、 經濟、財政、文化、藝術、政治、社會不平等等面向) ※視修課學生人數多寡與興趣分組閱讀、討論,就上述若干層面作文字與 口頭報告);
Pt. 3: Digitalization and Datafication of Selective Themes* (week7~13); * Selected theme reports have to be done by student teams in written and oral forms on the 13th week at class. 第十四週至期末:空間規劃的議題與相關規劃情報的分析討論。
Pt. 4: Spatial Planning Intelligence Collection and Analysis (the very last weeks).
英授(Taught in English)
一、 資訊的社會意涵與傳播理論的進展; Pt. 1: The social context of information and communication (weeks 1~2); 二、 傳播科技與工具對於資訊性質的改變; Pt. 2: Communication technologies and algorithmic ordering of information (weeks 3~5); 第一、二部份的討論與檢討 (學生個人口頭小報告); In-class individual student oral report (week 6). 三、各種數位資訊的應用對於社會各分面的影響(個人心理、社會心理、 經濟、財政、文化、藝術、政治、社會不平等等面向) ※視修課學生人數多寡與興趣分組閱讀、討論,就上述若干層面作文字與 口頭報告);
Pt. 3: Digitalization and Datafication of Selective Themes* (week7~13); * Selected theme reports have to be done by student teams in written and oral forms on the 13th week at class. 第十四週至期末:空間規劃的議題與相關規劃情報的分析討論。
Pt. 4: Spatial Planning Intelligence Collection and Analysis (the very last weeks).
英授(Taught in English)
- 教師(teacher): 謝宏昌