課程大綱(Course Outline)
• Week 1 (9/27)
Administration issue
• Week 2 (10/4)
Tutorial for homework (by TA)
• Week 3 (10/18)
Introduction to Arduino and Rasberry Pi
• Week 4 (10/25) Introduction to IoT
• Week 5 (11/1) Introduction to Deep Learning (I)
• Week 6 (11/8)
Introduction to Deep Learning (II), Homework I due
• Week 7 (11/15) Introduction to Deep Learning (III)
• Week 8 (11/22) Introduction to Deep Learning (IV)• Week 9 (11/29 )
Proposal discussion , Project
proposal due
• Week 10 (12/6) Project review (I), Homework II due
• Week 11 (12/13) Project review(II)
• Week 12 (12/20)
Project review
• Week 13 (12/27)
Project review (IV)
• Week 14 (1/3) In-class
project demo ; submission of codes/video
- 教師(teacher): 藍崑展